Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Part 9 - MoFlix and Chill

Today (9/16/15) we decided to enjoy resting and being on vacation. It is raining a lot in Paris and could become more intense as the day progresses. There have been flash flood warnings and thunder storm alerts, so we aren't going to get stuck in that. 

This morning I (Mack) went to the tiny organic (bio) market at the foot of our building to get some items. I picked up some lardons (bacon cut into strips), eggs, wine and a few other items. 

I fried up the lardons and fried a couple eggs. I took the remaining baguette we had from the other day and cut it lengthwise and spread butter on top. I then pan fried that for a few minutes on the outside and butter side to get it toasted. While that was happening I brewed us up a couple more tall espressos. Breakfast was delicious and cheaper than going out. 

I've been watching French music videos and terrible reality shows in overdubbed French speaking voices while Deanna enjoys a book on her Kindle. (From Deanna:  It's the book "Girl on a Train" -so good I can't put it down!)  I forgot to bring my iPad for reading, so I have no books to read at the moment.  The rest of the afternoon was spent like this, and watching a couple of movies ("Fort Tilden" and "Inherent Vice") on the laptop. 

When dinner rolled around we decided to try a Vietnamese restaurant that had good reviews online. We felt it was time for something familiar and not another heavy French meal. Plus Deanna was dying to have a big bowl of pho. The restaurant called Foyer Mon Vietnam opens for dinner at 7pm. We walked over and arrived at the doors just after opening and were seated right away. 

We asked if the waiter  (maybe owner?) spoke any English and he indicated that he did not. No problem! We pointed at the menu, used our Frenglish, and managed to order pork rolls, 2 bowls of beef pho, and 2 beers. 

The rolls came out pretty quickly after we ordered. They were crisp and fresh and had a vinegar/fish sauce to accompany them. The rolls had a very good pork flavor and were packed with just the right amount of vegetables. We definitely recommend these if you are up for an appetizer, which is actually called an Entree here in Paris. Entree means enter or start. 

Our beef Pho came out right when we were done with our rolls. Accompanying the soup was a typical platter of sprouts, basil, lime and peppers. We dressed our soup and started in. Immediately we both expressed our delight to the rich and mature flavor of the broth. This was not just a basic broth with stuff thrown in at the end. The flavors popped and tasted fresh and savory. The steak that was in the soup was amazing as well. It was hearty and tender and plentiful. The noodles were flat rice noodles, not as small as vermicelli, but on the thinner side. The noodles were delicious as well. Deanna almost finished her entire bowl, while I could have licked the bottom of mine clean it was so empty when I was done. After dinner we ordered a coconut panna cotta dessert and an espresso. The panna cotta was equally as fresh and delicious as the pho.
Amazing Beef Pho

Homemade Coconut Panna Cotta

The service, the food, and the atmosphere of Foyer Mon Vietnam is amazing from start to finish. I would recommend this as a stop to anyone who loves Vietnamese food while visiting Paris. It is truly a hidden gem. Oh also, they only take cash, so come prepared. 

After dinner we strolled our way home through the streets of our Parisian neighborhood and returned to our apartment to watch another movie. This time we watched "Woman in Gold". 
The end of the building we were staying in

This city is one that grows on you. We are both quickly falling in love with it's little charms and the people we have encountered. We have always heard about Parisians having a reputation for being rude and unfriendly to foreigners and especially to Americans. This has not been the case at all for us during our stay. Nearly every person we have talked to when ordering food has been helpful and polite and worked to understand our needs. Of course we go into the exchange trying to speak French and not giving an attitude when they don't know English. I think mutual respect goes a long way. We've resorted to hand signals and pointing on occasions and when we get our message across we quickly follow that up with a "Merci" to thank them for their help. 

Tomorrow we are heading to the Louvre, Arc de Triumph and probably the Eiffel Tower in the same day. A big day most likely of shuffling through crowds, being frustrated at times by other tourists, but one of seeing things we have only dreamed of. 

Good night and thank you for reading!

Our full photo album is located here(Many more photos and we'll be posting on facebook in one large album later):

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